Due to demographic transformation, the world population is aging at a rapid rate. The share of older people in the total population is growing faster than other age groups. In many countries, the population of elderly people with multiple diseases, high levels of frailty and needs for care is also growing in number (Klie, 2018: 91). Frailty is the most problematic condition for elderly people as compared to
other age groups. To address the needs of those people, whose numbers are increasing rapidly in Turkey, is among the main issues of social policy. The most important problem of this population is by whom they should be taken cared in case of need. Because aging increases the need for protection (Klie, 2018: 90), their basic needs must be met in order for them to survive in safe environments. Which state institute will be responsible for providing care, if the family take care of aging parents which family members will help them, are some of the most important issues? Will be the care arranged in the home by the family or in an institution? This is an essential question that is not answered easily.