Tefsir ilmi, Kur’ân lafızlarını dilbilimsel açıdan tahlil ederek o lafızlarla kastedilen manayı güç yettiğince tespit etmeye çalışır. Müfessirler yapmış oldukları yorum veya tahlilleri Kur’ân’ın anlaşılmasında bir veri olarak takdim ederler. Çeviri yapan kimseler, lafzın delalet ettiği anlamı yakalamada bu verilerden faydalanır. Fakat çeviri faaliyeti tüm bu verilerin dikkatlice analiz edilmesini gerektiren daha hassas bir uğraştır. Sözcüklerin kelime anlamlarından yola çıkarak harfî çeviri yapmak yerine bu kelimelerin delalet ettiği anlamın yakalanması gerekir. Bazı meallerde Nebe 78/33. ayette geçen “kevâ‘ib” kelimesi, “Göğüsleri tomurcuklanmış kızlar”, “Göğüsleri çıkmış genç kızlar”, “Turunç göğüslü genç dilberler” gibi ifadelerle çevrilmiştir. Hâlbuki Kur’ân-ı Kerim bu türden konuları eşsiz bir üslupla aktarmıştır. Kur’ân çevirisi yapanlar, bu üslubu meallerine mümkün olduğu kadarıyla yansıtmaları gerekirdi fakat bunun yapılmadığı görülmektedir. Diğer bazı meallerde ise “Müthiş uyumlu harika eşler”, “dengi dengine gözalıcı eşler” şeklinde erkek ve kadın cinsini kapsayan genel kavramlarla çevrilmiştir. Ancak Arap dilinde “ka’ib/ku’ub/kevâ‘ib” kalıpları sadece kadın cinsini niteleyen sözcüklerdir. Dolayısıyla her iki çevirinin de hatalı olduğu söylenebilir. İlkinde kelimeye harfî anlam verilmesinden, ikincisinde kelimenin etimolojik anlamından kopuk çeviri yapılmasından kaynaklanan bir hata meydana gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada söz konusu çeviriler dilbilimsel, Kur’ân’ın bütünlüğü ve üslup özellikleri açısından incelenip analiz edildi. Bu yapılırken doğru ve isabetli olduğu düşünülen meal de zikredilerek bundan sonra yapılacak meal çalışmalarına katkı sağlanılması hedeflendi.
The science of tafsir tries to determine the meaning of the words as much as possible by analyzing the words of the Quran linguistically. The mufassırs present their comments or analyzes as data for understanding the Quran. People who translate use these data to capture the meaning of the words. However, translation is a more sensitive work that requires careful analysis of all this data. Instead of making literal translation based on meanings of the words, the true meaning behind these words must be captured. In some translations of Nebe 78/33, the word "kevâ‘ib" is translated with expressions such as "Girls with budded breasts", "Young girls with breasts". However, the Quran conveyed such subjects in a unique style. Those who translated the Quran should have reflected this style in their translations as much as possible, but it seems that this was not done. In some other translations, it is translated with general concepts that include male and female gender as "perfectly harmonious wonderful spouses", "equally attractive wives" “Citrus-breasted young dilbers”. However, in the Arabic language, "ka'ib / ku'ub / kevâ‘ib" patterns are only words that describe the female gender. It can be said that both translations are erroneous. In the first, a mistake was made due to using the literal meaning of the word. In the second example the mistake is made by disconnecting the word from its etymological meaning. In this study, the mentioned translations are being analyzed in terms of linguistic, integrity and stylistic features of the Quran. It is being aimed to contribute to the translation studies to be carried out from now on by mentioning the translations which are thought to be correct and accurate.
The science of tafsir tries to determine the meaning of the words as
much as possible by analyzing the words of the Quran linguistically.
The mufassırs present their comments or analyzes as data for
understanding the Quran. People who translate use these data to
capture the meaning of the words. However, translation is a more
sensitive work that requires careful analysis of all this data. Instead
of making literal translation based on meanings of the words, the
true meaning behind these words must be captured. In some
translations of Nebe 78/33, the word "kevâ‘ib" is translated with
expressions such as "Girls with budded breasts", "Young girls with
breasts". However, the Quran conveyed such subjects in a unique
style. Those who translated the Quran should have reflected this
style in their translations as much as possible, but it seems that this
was not done. In some other translations, it is translated with general
concepts that include male and female gender as "perfectly
harmonious wonderful spouses", "equally attractive wives" “Citrusbreasted young dilbers”. However, in the Arabic language, "ka'ib /
ku'ub / kevâ‘ib" patterns are only words that describe the female
gender. It can be said that both translations are erroneous. In the
first, a mistake was made due to using the literal meaning of the
word. In the second example the mistake is made by disconnecting
the word from its etymological meaning. In this study, the
mentioned translations are being analyzed in terms of linguistic,
integrity and stylistic features of the Quran. It is being aimed to
contribute to the translation studies to be carried out from now on by
mentioning the translations which are thought to be correct and