Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence, types, and reasons for the intraoperative hemorrhage during Le Fort I osteotomy.
Methods: The study sample was composed of the population of the patients who underwent orthognathic surgery from April 2011 to February 2017. The vascular complications of the patients who underwent Le Fort I osteotomy during the surgery were identified. Type of the bleeding, suspected vessel, amount of the intraoperative blood loss, cause, and management of the bleeding were specified and investigated. Descriptive statistics were computed for each study variable.
Results: A total of 200 patients underwent Le Fort I osteotomy. The sample's mean age was 22.4 ± 5.8 and 55.5% of patients were female. The intraoperative vascular complication was seen in only 10 (5%) samples. The suspected source of the hemorrhage was the descending palatine artery (DPA) in 8 (4%) cases, while the pterygoid venous plexus in the other 2 (1%) cases. The cause of the bleeding was suspected down-fracture in 8 cases, while pterygomaxillary junction (PMJ) separation in the other 2 cases. DPA was ligated with ligation clips and cauterized in arterial injury cases. The hemorrhage was taken under control using a hemostatic matrix with thrombin (Surgiflo, Ethicon, USA) in the venous bleeding cases.
Conclusions: The down-fracture of the maxilla was found to be more related to the occurrence of vascular complications. Severe bleeding was managed by the use of the hemostatic matrix with thrombin and this hemostatic agent can be used to control this type bleedings in orthognathic surgery.