The quality of financial statements is closely related to quality of accounting professions. It’s observed that some financial statements don’t reflect the truth literally because of many internal and external factors (e.g. work overload, unfair competition, grey economy, business culture, professional management, lack of institutionalization, failure of effective implementation of legal regulations). This situation concern both independent and dependent accountants and affect adversely the image of accounting profession in society. Independent accountants are out of firms and keep away from financial highlights, so they do accounting transactions without real information about the firms. Accordingly, this study will provide information on the following issues for accountants; how they perform their job with higher quality, what should be the physical conditions, what features accountants should have to be more qualified, which training should be given to them, how much should be paid for them. Consequently, in this study we will attempt to develop a model for accounting profession by basing on the quality control model of auditors that is ISQC 1-International Standards on Quality Control 1.