Altaç, İsmail Serdar(Journal of Modernism and Postmodernism Studies, 2020)
James Graham Ballard stands out as a speculative author, sometimes also classified as a science fiction author, who distorts the quotidian scenes from his own and the reader’s environment and uses them as raw material for ...
James Graham Ballard is an author who is known as one of the keen observers of the social and
accompanying spatial shifts taking place in the 20th century. Although his oeuvre is filled with
“ballardian” science fiction, ...
David Greig, one of the pioneering playwrights of the contemporary Scottish theater, deals
with such issues as Scottish identity, globalization, war, and the environment in his plays. His play
Outlying Islands mobilizes ...
H. G. Wells, one of the pioneering utopian and dystopian authors of the late Victorian Age, delineates a political conjuncture into which London and the rest of the world may evolve two centuries later. The novel depicts ...