This study aims to examine the relationship between tennis players' state anxiety (somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety,
and self-confidence) and their life satisfaction. To examine the problem statements put forward, sports ages between 21-34
(X┴¯years = 27.44 ± 3.50) and sports ages between 4-10 (X years sports age = 6.49 ± 2.90) 46 women; and 51 men aged
between 21-32 (X┴¯years = 26.16 ± 2.98) and sport ages between 4-12 years (X┴¯sports age = 6.92 ± 2.10). tennis player
participated. As a result of the normality test, the independent T-test was used to find the difference between the two groups as
statistical analysis, and the Pearson Correlation Analysis was used to look at their relationship with age and sports age. In the
research findings, there was no significant difference in state anxiety levels according to gender category (p>, 05), and a negative
significant relationship was found between cognitive anxiety and life satisfaction in female tennis players (p<,05; r=-,198). On the
other hand, there was no relationship between state anxiety and life satisfaction scores in male tennis players (p>, 05).