Solar energy is the most widespread renewable energy source due to the modular structures of PV modules and low maintenance requirement. In this study, a sun tracking system is proposed with a view to achieving a generated energy output than with a fixed PV system. There are two different control structures and algorithms are proposed to control the sun tracking system to increase efficiency. The tracking system uses algorithms to determine the exact position of the sun at any time during the day and to turn the PV modules to a position perpendicular to the sun. In the first control circuit, the position of the sun is precisely found with two identical LDRs and an angle sensor. In the second control circuit, the position of the sun is tracked by using a real time clock and an angle sensor to limit the platform. Greater energy generation is achieved by turning existing solar panels to face the sun. Furthermore, a data acquisition device stores and monitors daily irradiation data on a computer and the data entered in the database are used to produce graphic interfaces.