Package creates an identity for a product. It must have the feature to be able to reflect characteristics of productto consumers properly and convince them to give money for it. Impacts of packaging design on attractingconsumers who interact with product through its package is incontrovertible. In this regard, it must be paidattention on use of typography and colour in packaging design. Typography must be used in a way in which itdoes not disrupt the integrity of package. It should be in harmony with any other designing elements. Whenselecting colours to be used in package, it must be made choices such a way that can allow elements, which aredesired to be emphasized, to come into prominence. Colours to be able to reflect product properly and be inharmony with it must be preferred. It must be determined characteristics of target audience properly and then atypography to be able to affect their decisions positively must be selected, and favorable colours must bepreferred. Besides, selecting image or illustration and background colours to be used in packaging design arealso among other constituents to take into consideration in terms of typography.In conclusion, functionality of typography and colour in packaging design has a crucial importance. Choices andselections must be done by considering the impressiveness of, the importance on interacting with customers of,and the ability of persuasion on consumers of typography and colour in packaging design, and it must be paidstrict attention to proper use of these elements.