This study aimed to evaluate the effects of irrigation systems onthe bond strength of Biodentine, used as a pulp barrier in regen-erative endodontic treatment (RET), to the root canal dentin.Following standardized preparation to obtain an immature toothmodel, a modified triple antibiotic paste (mTAP) consisting ofmetronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and clindamycin was applied to theroot canals. Teeth were randomly divided into five groups accord-ing to the irrigation system (n¼10): Group 1, ConventionalSyringe Irrigation (CSI); Group 2, Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation (PUI);Group 3, EndoActivator (EA); Group 4, EndoVac (EV); and Group 5,Nd:YAG laser (LSR). After removing the mTAP from the rootcanals, parallel sections of 1 mm thickness were obtained, withthree sections per tooth. Biodentine was applied to the obtainedsections, and a push-out test was performed. The data wererecorded in MPa, and images of the fracture types were exam-ined. There was no significant difference between the PUI and EVgroups (p>0.05), and their respective values, (4.43±0.63) and(4.37± 0.47), were greater than those of the other groups(p<0.05). Although the push-out bond strength of the LSR groupwas higher than those of the EA and CSI groups, there was nodifference between EA and CSI groups (p>0.05). The irrigationsystem type had a significant effect on the push-out bondstrength of Biodentine to the root canal dentin in the RET. PUIand EV groups had significantly higher bond strength values thanthe other groups.