Expression of individuals’ emotional intelligence is an important factor to reach success in organizational life as well as daily life. Positive or negative emotions of employees have the potential to affect the organizational climate created through their relationship between each other in a positive or negative way. In this study, the impact of envy –which is a new issue in organizational behavior literature– on organizational climate, which has an important role in organizations’ realization of their main goals by ensuring intra-organizational harmony, was examined. At the end of this empirical study held in accommodation enterprises in Kuşadası which is a popular tourism destination in Turkey, an inverse, not-strong, significant relation was discovered between envy among employees and perception of organizational climate. Through the regression analysis, it was seen that the independent variable organizational envy could explain 9.1 % of the change in the dependent variable organizational climate. At first glance, this proportion could be regarded as low but that envy reached this percent among many variables which may affect organizational climate displays the importance of the level of its impact.